descriptor.mod, located within the mod folder.
This one is required without it, the launcher will not recognise the mod.
(modname).mod, located alongside the mod's folder. mod files used by the game are plain text files that contain metadata about their corresponding mod. When uploading, you will be able to change the suggested game version, add thumbnail for Paradox Mods and description. mod file, this one named after the mod, located alongside the mod folder. A descriptor.mod file, contained within the mod folder. The tags offered by the launcher include: If your Windows account name have such characters you must use a directory outside your Documents folder.) (Directory cannot include non English characters. DIrectory can include spaces, but cannot end with one.) (Name must be at least 3 symbols long. All of these must be completed before you can press Create at the bottom. Enter a name, version of the mod (not the game), directory (the launcher will create it) and at least one tag. It is recommended to generate the initial mod files through the game launcher in the interests of speed and avoiding human error.